About this policy
This text will try to be as clear and concise as possible, while also thoroughly explaining all the necessary information about data and privacy management.
This policy describes the data we gather from visitors and how we use it. It applies to this domain (mind-overflow.net) and all of its related subdomains.
GDPR Compliance
This policy and the described data-management practices are GDPR compliant.
Who we are
This website, domain (mind-overflow.net) and all of its subdomains are owned and managed by Beatrice Dellacà. You can contact us via the contact page.
Both the owner and the servers are based and located in Italy (Lombardy).
What data we gather and why
This website partially relies on cookies to provide correct functionality, however some minor cookies are still saved for statistics purposes.
This data is not shared nor distributed with anyone else outside of the server itself, and is strictly protected and suitably anonymized.
Functional cookies
This website uses the Remark42 commenting system, to allow users to add comments, reply and share their opinion on blog posts. The only data Remark42 collects is the current user id, username and avatar link. User id and username are hashed, while the avatar link is proxied. It only saves two cookies after logging in, which are mandatory, since the first one contains a JWT used to authenticated the user, and the second one is a XSRF token used to prevent CSRF attacks, aiming to provide more security to the user. A convenient button to ask for all of the current user's data collected by Remark42 can be found in the commenting section at the end of any blog post.
Usage statistics data
When a visitor connects to this website or any of the websites hosted on the related subdomains, we may log the following data: web pages visited on the website, date and duration of the visit, an anonymized part of the visitor's IP address, and some info about the visitor's device (type, OS, resolution, language, approximate geolocation based on IP address, user agent, inlink, outlink, page generation time).
A very small cookie will be saved, containing this data: random visitor ID, date of the first and latest visit, number of total visits.
This data will then be automatically processed by a self-hosted version of Matomo Analytics, for the sole purpose of providing the owner with generic and anonymized statistics about audience measurement and evaluation of the website's performance.
This allows the owner to constantly update and adapt his services to better fit the visitors' needs, while also ensuring complete compatibility, accessibility and anonymity, and also allowing to promptly respond to abuses and misuses.
This data is stored locally on the server and nowhere else, on an encrypted, automated database. The data is not shared nor disclosed to anyone.
How to prevent data gathering
This data gathering is compliant with Do Not Track HTTP headers. If you enable this setting in your browser, we will immediately stop gathering statistics about you.
However, if you are unable to use Do Not Track headers, you can simply opt-out by clicking on the following button.
We highly suggest you don't completely disable cookies in your browser, as it will also impact functional cookies and will prevent you from accessing some services or performing some actions.
Abuse report
If you have any concern about abuses regarding services offered by Mind Overflow, please report them here: abuse@mind-overflow.net.
Data deletion & request
The only data we have that can be connected to you personally are the comments you leave on the website. Please send an email to postmaster@mind-overflow.net specifying your name and the log-in method you used (Facebook, Google, Twitter, ...) and we will proceed to delete or send you your data in a timeframe of 7 days. We might send you an email before taking action in case we need more information to ensure that you are not acting on someone else's behalf. Be aware that the timeframe can be expanded up to 30 days based on the complexity of your request. Alternatively, a convenient button to automatically ask for all of your data collected by Remark42 can be found in the commenting section at the end of any blog post.